viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011


By Rodrigo Tamayo Motas
About a thirty patients in the former municipalities of the region Manzanillo, Granma and other eastern provinces have received the benefits of corneal transplantation in ophthalmology center located in the hospital Celia Sanchez, of this city.

The first of these surgeries took place in late 2008 and since then to date 25 patients have been operated thus improved their quality of life.

This procedure involves renovating the center of the cornea and replace it with a donated intervention in the developed world costs more than eleven thousand dollars.

Among the services provided by the ophthalmology center has great impact Manzanillo laser treatment in ocular pathology, especially in retina, anterior segment or excimer laser.

Further stresses that higher incidences of diseases treated in this medical Manzanillo are cataract, pterygium and oculoplastics.
In Granma ophthalmology center is also in operation for chaos ciclofotocoagulador difficult to treat glaucoma, both medical and surgical, which prevents patients having to travel to other provinces for treatment .

The Granma Ophthalmology Center now has teams in the first world, as the surgical microscope that allows other edges of the surgery, and a micro perimeter intended to diagnose retinal diseases, glaucoma and neuro diseases.


By Rodrigo Tamayo  Motas
Thanks to the enormous task of a medical team of the provincial hospital surgical clinic teacher Celia Sanchez, Manzanillo, from Thursday November 10 will begin implementing a new clinical trial aimed at combating acute hemorrhoidal disease.

Four Named TERESA, materializes after obtaining excellent results among institutions of its kind in the country TERESA treatments two and three, noted in this space the degree Milanés War Bedi, head of the department of clinical trials in the health institution Manzanillo.

This acute hemorrhoidal disease treatment involves the use of streptokinase and ANSOL suppository in the pathology of fluxion and thrombosed hemorrhoid. Streptokinase is an extracellular enzyme produced by beta hemolytic streptococcus, used as an effective and inexpensive drug that dissolves blood clots.

Although medical treatment research with vaccines and other preventive and not curative, enables the patient to substantially improve their quality of life.

Among the clinical trials in hospital unquestionable results Celia include application of the EGF vaccine for people with lung cancer and treatment for women with breast tumor metastatic stage.

The health unit is a Cuban institution that uses this procedure to prolong the existence of those suffering from the disease.
Currently in the hospital Celia Sanchez, Manzanillo, develop 14 studies among which prostate, lung, breast, and head - neck, emphasizing a recognition by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and a second place nationally by the inclusion of patients.


Por  Rodrigo Motas Tamayo 
Cerca  de  una treinta  de  pacientes de los municipios  de la otrora región Manzanillo, Granma y otras provincias  orientales  han recibido  los beneficios  del trasplante  de córnea  en el centro de oftalmología   ubicado  en el  hospital  Celia Sánchez Manduley , de esta ciudad.
La primera  de estas  intervenciones  quirúrgicas  tuvo lugar  a fines del 2008  y desde  entonces  a la fecha  25 pacientes  han sido operados  con lo que se mejoró  su  calidad  de vida.
Este tipo de proceder  implica  renovar  la parte   central de  una córnea y reemplazarla   por  una donada, intervención que  en el mundo  desarrollado  cuesta  más  de Once mil dólares.
Entre los servicios  que brinda  el centro de  oftalmología  de Manzanillo tiene  gran impacto   el tratamiento  con láser  en las  patología  oculares, principalmente  en retina, segmento  anterior  o excimer  láser.
Destaca además   que las dolencias de mayores incidencias atendidas en esta institución médica manzanillera  son la catarata, terigion y la óculoplastia.
En el centro de oftalmología  de Granma   también está en funcionamiento  un ciclofotocoagulador   para  caos  de glaucoma  de difícil  tratamiento, tanto médico  como quirúrgico, el cual  evita  que los pacientes  tengan que viajar   a otras  provincias  del país  para ser atendidos 
El Centro de Oftalmología de Granma cuenta ahora con equipos del primer mundo, como el microscopio quirúrgico que posibilita otras aristas de la operación quirúrgica, y un micro perímetro destinado a diagnosticar enfermedades de la retina, glaucoma y enfermedades neuroftalmológicas.